of the Business Company Krone Consulting s. r. o. for Sale of Event Tickets and Use of the eeVRee Application


1.1. These General Terms and Conditions apply to

(i) the Operator’s rules of selling Tickets to an Event Holder’s Event for a Event Interested Party; as well as

(ii) rules for the use of the Operator’s Portal and the Operator’s application called eeVRee;
(hereinafter referred to as “Terms and Conditions” or “GTC” or “General Terms and Conditions“) and determine the mutual rights and obligations that arise in connection with or on the basis of the contractual relationship concluded between Krone Consulting s. r. o., with its registered office at: Mlynske Nivy 5, Bratislava – mestská časť Ružinov 821 09, Slovak Republic, Company ID No.: 50 248 332, TAX ID No.:2120266060, VAT ID No.: SK2120266060, registered with the Commercial Register of District Court in Bratislava III, Section: Sro, File No.: 110642/B, acting through: Peter Svoboda, Managing Director of the company (hereinafter referred to as the “Operator“) and the person of the Organizer; and determine the mutual rights and obligations that arise on the basis of the contractual relationship between the Operator and the person of the Participant who will participate in the Event and who is interested in using the Operator’s eeVRee Application at such Event.

1.2. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 273 (1) of the Commercial Code, these Terms and Conditions are an integral part of each Agreement between the Operator and the User to be concluded in accordance with these Terms and Conditions. In the event that different terms and conditions have been expressly agreed in the Agreement between the Operator and the User or the exclusion of the application of certain provisions of these Terms and Conditions has been expressly agreed, such different arrangement in the Agreement between the Operator and the User shall prevail. In other cases, these Terms and Conditions shall apply to the mutual rights and obligations of the Operator and the User in the relevant part regarding the use of the eeVRee application.

1.3. A person interested in an Event will be asked within the Operator’s Portal or the eeVRee App, before placing the Order for the purchase of Tickets to the Event, to confirm by ticking the check box designated for this purpose,

  • I accept the Operator’s General Terms and Conditions that (s)he has read these GTCs, understood their content and accepts them in full.
  • I give my consent to personal data processing” that (s)he has become acquainted with the terms and conditions and the personal data processing policy specified in the Operator’s Personal Data Processing and Protection Policy, has granted consent to their processing, read them, understood their content, and fully agrees with them.

These Terms and Conditions are binding on the Parties as follows:  for a Person Interested in an Event (or for a Event Ticket Holder), at the moment of Confirmation by the Operator of the Purchase Order for the purchase of the Event Ticket, and unless the contrary is proven, a Person Interested in Event (or the Event Ticket Holder) is deemed to have granted his or her consent to these Terms and Conditions of Use: a) by paying the price of the Admission Fee for the Event Ticket or b) in another method that makes the User’s consent to these Terms and Conditions of Use clear, whichever moment occurs first. However, entitlement to an Event Ticket arises only upon payment of the Admission Fee.

These Terms and Conditions are binding on the Parties as follows: for the User of the eeVRee application, at the moment of a) each login to the User Account in the eeVRee application; b) for any change of data in the User Account in the eeVRee application; c) in another method that makes the User’s consent to these Terms and Conditions of Use clear, whichever moment occurs first.

1.4. The Operator is entitled to unilaterally change these Terms and Conditions in the manner and under the conditions specified in these Terms and Conditions.


2.1. For the purposes of the mutual relations between the Operator and the Event Interested Party and between the Operator and the User, as well as for the purposes of these Terms and Conditions, the following terms shall have the following meanings:

a) “Copyright Act” means the Act No. 185/2015 Z. z., the Copyright Act, as amended.
b) “eeVRee application” or “eeVRee” means a mobile or web application of the Operator, through which the Event Participant can interactively participate in the Event in various forms (e.g., can ask questions or participate in competitions organised by the Event Organiser, etc.) or through which the Event Interested Party can purchase Event Tickets, in the case that the eeVRee application allows such purchase of Event Tickets.
c) “Price of the Service” has the meaning given in Article IX. of these Terms and Conditions.
d) “Commercial Code” means the Act no. 513/1991, the Commercial Code, as amended.
e) “Civil Code” means the Act no. 40/1964, the Civil Code, as amended.
f) “Event” means expert conferences, symposia, concerts, theatre or other cultural performances and all other events consisting in spending free time at a predetermined date and place.
g) “Provider” or “Seller” means the joint name for the Artists and/or the Event Holder(s) organising the Event.
h) “Order Confirmation” has the meaning set forth in Clause 3.3. of these Terms and Conditions.
i)”Portal” means the Operator’s own booking and sales portal, through which the Operator facilitates “ provides for the distribution and sale of Event Tickets.
j) “Operator’s Personal Data Processing and Protection Policy” means the Operator‘s separate rules for the processing and protection of the Operator’s (Controller’s) personal data available on the event organizer´s website.
k) “Operator” has the meaning given to it in Clause1. of these Terms and Conditions.
l) “Event Ticket” or “ETicket” is a confirmation enabling the User or Event Interested Party to be admitted (usually a single admission) to an Event, for which it was purchased, against a one-time payment . The ticket is valid only for the Event for which it was purchased, it cannot be used to enter another Event. After leaving the venue of the Event, the Ticket becomes invalid, with the exception of a Ticket entitling to re-admission to anEvent that takes one or more days. The current prices of Event Tickets and individual Events are published on the Event Holder’s website and/or in the eeVRee application or on the Operator’s Portal, and an Event Ticket may be issued in one of the following forms: online Event Ticket in pdf format . . In the event that there is a different price of an Event Ticket on various websites, the price of the Event Ticket listed on the Operator’s Portal or in the eeVRee application is deemed to be the purchase price of the Event Ticket.
m) „Event Holder” means a natural person or legal entity (with the exception of the Operator and/or the Event Interested Party and/or the User), i) which is in a contractual relationship with the Operator’s company enabling the Operator’s company to mediate the sale of Event Tickets and conduct related activities under the Agreement between the Event Holder and the Operator. The Event Holder’s identification data including the address provided specifically for each Event. The address of the Event Holder is decisive for the submission of a complaint not covered by the Complaints Procedure set out in these GTCs.
n) “User” means a natural person who uses the eeVRee Application for an Event.
o) “User Account” means a separate user account created by the Operator for the User in the eeVRee Application, based on the data provided by the Event Interested Party in the Order for a particular Event, for which the Interested Party paid the Admission Fee, and has the meaning set out in Article V of these Terms and Conditions.
p) “Service” means the common name for the services provided by the Operator to Users in the eeVRee application, and also has the meaning set out in point 4.6. of these Terms and Conditions.
q) “Event Ticket Purchase” has the meaning given in Article III of these General Terms and Conditions.
r) “Site or Portal” is an Internet site of the Operator, , through which the Operator provides for purchase and sale of Event Tickets for an Event Interested Party.
s) “ADR Act” means the Act no. 391/2015 Z. z. on Alternative Resolution of Consumer Disputes and on Amendments and Supplements to Certain Acts, as amended.
t) “VAT Act” means the Act No. 222/2004 Z. z. on Value Added Tax, as amended.
u) “Electronic Commerce Act” means the Act No. 22/2004 Z. z. on Electronic Commerce and on Amendments and Supplements to Act No. 128/2002 Z. z. on State Control of the Internal Market in Matters of Consumer Protection and on Amendments and Supplements to Certain Acts, as amended by the Act No. 284/2002 Z. z., as amended.
v) “Remote Commerce Act” means the Act No. 102/2014 Z. z. on Consumer Protection in the Sale of Goods or Provision of Services under a Distance Contract or an Off-Premises Contract and on Amendments and Supplements to Certain Acts, as amended.
w) “Event Interested Party” or “Buyer” means a natural person or a legal entity, with the exception of an Event Holder and/or the Operator, who is interested in participating in an Event in person (in the event that it is a natural person) or which is interested in participating in an Event by other persons designated by it (in the event that the Event Interested Party is a legal entity).
x) “Consumer Protection Act” means the Act No. 250/2007 Z. z. on Consumer Protection and on Amendments to Act of the Slovak National Council No. 372/1990 Zb. on Offences, as amended.
y) “Agreement between Event Holder and Operator” means an agreement on the terms and conditions of mediating the sale of Tickets for an Event Holder’s Events and on the performance of related agreed activities, on the basis of which the Operator, as an intermediary, ensures the sale of Tickets for an Event on behalf of the Event Holder and on the basis of which the Operator may provide additional services for the Event at an Event, if such have been agreed between them.
z) “Event Participation Agreement” means an agreement concluded between an Event Holder as a seller and an Event Interested Party as s buyer, on the basis of which the Event Holder will admit the Event Interested Party to participate in the Event in person (or by persons designated by the Event Interested Party), and the Event Interested Party as a buyer agrees to pay the Admission Fee directly to the Event Holder under the terms and conditions set out in these GTCs.. By purchasing a Ticket to an Event, the Event Interested Party becomes a party to a contract with the Event Holder of the Event. An Event Participation Agreement is concluded for a definite period of time, until the Event takes place, or any related claims are settled. In addition to these GTCs, the legal relationship between an Event Holder and an Event Interested Party is governed by the general terms and conditions of the Event Holder, if such general terms and conditions are adopted by the Event Holder.

2.2. The interpretation of these Terms and Conditions shall be governed by the following rules:

2.2.1. References to articles and sections shall be construed as references to the relevant articles and sections of these Terms and Conditions.
2.2.2. References to a legal rule or applicable legal rule shall be construed as references to laws, government regulations, ministerial decrees or other normative legal acts of general application.
2.2.3. References to days are references to calendar days, unless otherwise stated in the Terms and Conditions.
2.2.4. The terms in particular or including in these Terms and Conditions means “in particular, but not limited to” (whether or not expressly stated using this formulation) and shall not be construed to limit the possibilities solely to the items enumerated.
2.2.5. The terms defined in these Terms and Conditions in plural have the same meaning in the singular, and vice versa.
2.2.6. Headings in these Terms and Conditions are used for clarity and better navigation only and shall be without prejudice to the interpretation of these Terms and Conditions.


3.1. These GTCs form an integral part of the Event Participation Agreement concluded between an Event Holder as a seller and an Event Interested Holder as a buyer of Event Tickets through the Operator, and the Event Interested Party as a buyer also confirms by purchasing Event Tickets that it has become acquainted with these Purchase Terms and Conditions and is aware of the fact that its enters into a legal relationship as a buyer with the Event Holder as a seller in respect of the Event.

3.2. The Operator sells Event Tickets via the website: or via the eeVRee Application if the eeVRee Application enables such an option

3.3. Entering an Event Participation Agreement. When selecting an Event that an Event Interested Party is interested in purchasing from the Event Holder, the Event Interested Party creates an order to participate in the Event of the selected Event (hereinafter referred to as the “Ticket Order” or “Order“) under the conditions set out in these Terms and Conditions. The proposal to conclude an Event Participation Agreement is submitted by an Event Interested Party by clicking on the „Buy Ticket Now“ or „Place order“ in relation to a particular Event placed on the Operator’s Portal and/or in the Operator’s eeVRee application. An agreement between an Event Interested Party and a relevant party, i.e., an Event Holder, is concluded only when the Operator’s company assigns and sends the User the Order’s number and the confirmation of Order’s receipt. An Event Participation Agreement between an Event Holder and a User is concluded for a definite period of time, until the Event takes place or any claims arising from it are settled. The Operator or an Event Holder (depending on the circumstances of a particular case) reserves the right to cancel or not accept a User’s Order for processing at its own discretion. On the other hand, if an advance payment is used as a payment method, an Event Participation Agreement is concluded when the Operator’s company sends a confirmation of receipt of the full payment. A Ticket Order is a binding proposal of a User in the position of an ordering customer to conclude an Event Participation Agreement in accordance with the provisions of Section 43a of the Civil Code. An Order Confirmation by the Operator (on behalf of an Event Holder) is the acceptance of a proposal to conclude an Event Participation Agreement in accordance with the provisions of Section 43c of the Civil Code between the Event Holder and an Event Interested Party.

3.4. The condition for the validity of a Ticket Order is filling in all mandatory data in the Operator’s order form on the Portal or in the eeVRee Application marked as required data, in particular: (i) name, surname, or business name, (ii) address and place of permanent residence, or registered office (street, number, postcode, municipality, state), (iii) e-mail address and telephone number (iv) name, surname and e-mail address of the Participant who/which is to participate in the Event, unless the Participant is the Event Interested Party.. If a User does not fill in any of the required data, such User will not be able to successfully continue purchasing Event Tickets.

3.5. The Operator’s company does not assume any responsibility for the accuracy of the data provided in the Portal or in the eeVRee Application by an Event Interested Party. A User may purchase any Ticket for any Event specified in the Operator’s offer published on the Portal and/or in the eeVRee Application. An Event Holder shall provide the Operator with the information on  Events listed on the Portal (e.g., time, date, and place of an Event, etc.), including the price for the Event Ticket.

3.6. By confirming an Order for the purchase of an Event Ticket, a legal relationship is established between an Event Interested Party as a buyer and an Event Holder of the Event, who shall be responsible for the fulfilment of its obligations under a legal rule of general application. Therefore, the Operator does not bear any responsibility for the fulfilment of an Event Holder’s obligations arising from the contractual relationship between a buyer and the Event Holder, i.e., an Event Participation Agreement. The Operator shall neither be responsible for the progress of any Event of an Event Holder, nor for whether will take place or not, and the Operator shall neither be responsible for any change related to an Event (e.g., a change of date, place of the Event, change of programme, etc.) or for any events that would have taken place at an Event, nor for any actuality that would arise in an Event taking place or not. The Operator shall not be held accountable for any liabilities of an Event Holder. Furthermore, the Operator shall not be liable for any material or non-material damage done to a buyer or any other person of an Event Holder or suffered by a buyer or a third party in connection with an Event. All and any claims of an Event Interested Party as a buyer or of any third parties must always be made against the Event Holder.

3.7. An Event Interested Party shall not be entitled to receive an Event Ticket before the Admission Fee for the Event Ticket has been paid in full.

3.8. Each electronic Event Ticket contains a unique QR code used to prove the validity of the Event Ticket.

3.9. In each case, the Operator shall ensure the sale and distribution of Event Tickets in the name and on behalf of a relevant Event Holder, based on an Agreement between the Operator and the Event Holder.

3.10. By purchasing a Ticket to the Event, the Interested Party agrees to comply with the rules set by the Event Holder. Furthermore, by purchasing tickets, the buyer agrees to comply with the operating and visiting rules of the Event’s venue.

3.11. An Event Holder has reserved the right to change the programme, date and venue of each Event. By purchasing an Event Ticket, an Event Interested Party acknowledges this rule of the Event Holder.

3.12. Information on the Event Ticket Purchase Confirmation together with the Event Ticket (or a voucher), which the Operator will send the Event Interested Party by e-mail to the e-mail address of the Event Interested Party specified when purchasing the Event Ticket, or where the eeVRee Application permits it, the Information on the Event Ticket Purchase Confirmation together with the Event Ticket will also be sent to the Application User (in the event that the User already uses the eeVRee Application on the basis of these GTCs) in the User Account.

3.13. By concluding an Event Participation Agreement, rights and obligations arise under the Event Participation Agreement and/or in connection therewith for the Event Interested Party and the relevant Event Holder.The Operator shall not be liable for the fulfilment of an Event Holder’s obligations under an Event Participation Agreement concluded between an Event Interested Party and the Event Holder. The Operator shall not be liable for any changes related to an Event or cancellation of an Event.

3.14. The Operator shall not be liable for the quality of an Event and the quality of services offered and delivered by the Event Holder as part of the Event or any third parties performing services at the Event; any complaints in relation to the Event must be submitted directly to the Event Holder.

3.15. The Operator reserves that each purchase of an Event Ticket is also an expressed consent to the terms and conditions of the selected Event Holder, which are available on its website and/or at the establishment, and by placing an Order for the purchase of an Event Ticket, the User agrees to comply with the provisions contained therein.

3.16. All obligations of the Operator in relation to an Event Interested Party in connection with the purchase and sale of Event Tickets are fulfilled by the Operator by delivering the Event Tickets.

3.17. All complaints in respect of any Event Tickets purchased from an Event Holder through the Operator’s Portal and/or through the eeVRee application shall be governed by these Terms and Conditions.

3.18. These Terms and Conditions do not apply to purchase and sale of Event Tickets through persons other than the Operator and in a method other than through the Operator’s Portal and/or the eeVRee Application.

Payment Terms of Purchase and Sale of Event Tickets

3.19. The Price of Admission Fee for an Event per Ticket is specified separately for each Event. Where the Operator charges any additional fees or any costs, such charges shall be listed separately along with the Price of the Admission Fee for each Event. In the event that an Interested Party is entitled to a refund of the Admission Fee, the Operator shall also refund the Interested Party any other charges and fees under these GTCs.

3.20. Prices of Admission Fees for Event Tickets are inclusive of value added tax (if applicable). Prices of Admission Fees for Event Tickets remain valid for as long as they are displayed on the Operator’s Portal and/or in the eeVRee Application. Information of a particular Event requested and selected by an Event Applicant in an Order, including a price of the Admission Fee for the selected Event, as well as all related charges and costs associated with the Event Participation Agreement, shall be provided in the shopping cart (summary) before completing and submitting an Event Ticket Order. An Event Holder shall be fully liable for providing accurate, up-to-date and legally required information about an Event, including information on the applicable prices of the Admission Fees for Event Tickets and the unit price, if required by applicable legal rules.

Method of Payment of Admission Fee for Event Ticket

3.21. An Event Interested Party shall make a payment for the purchase of Event Tickets to the Event Holder in one of the following methods:
a) By a bank transfer to the Event Holder’s bank account or
b) by a payment card to the Event Holder’s bank account or
c) or in any other manner as determined by the Event Holder, and the Event Interested Party may choose any of the payment methods that are permitted for a particular Event within the Operator’s Portal. The Interested Party acknowledges that any options to make a payment for an Admission Fee shall be defined by the Event Holder.

3.22. The Operator uses an external payment service provider to process payments.

3.23. The Operator shall not be liable for a failure to make a payment for an Admission Fee or for any events related to a failure to receive a payment by an Event Holder’s bank account. The Operator shall not be liable for any costs of an Event Interested Party associated with the purchase of an Event Ticket resulting from a contractual relationship between the Event Interested Party and the bank that issued the payment card to the Event Interested Party, or that manages the bank account of the Event Interested Party.

Withdrawal from Event Participation Agreement

3.24. A withdrawal from an Event Participation Agreement concluded between the Event Holder and the Event Interested Party as well as the possibility of cancellation of the Participation Agreement (if agreed) shall be governed exclusively by by the terms and conditions of the selected Event Holder.

3.25. In accordance with the provisions of Section 7 (6) (k) of the Act No. 102/2014 Z. z. on Consumer Protection in the Sale of Goods or the Provision of Services on the Basis of a Distance Contract or an Off-Premises Contract and Amending Certain Acts (hereinafter referred to as the “Act on Consumer Protection in the Sale of Goods and Services at a Distance”), an Event Interested Party as a buyer shall not be entitled to withdraw from an Event Participation Agreement concluded between the Event Interested Party as a consumer and the Event Holder via the eeVRee Application or the Operator’s Portal under the provisions of Section 7 (6) (k) of the Act on Consumer Protection in the Sale of Goods and Services at a Distance (withdrawal from a contract within 14 days without giving a reason), in respect of the fact that it is a contract for the provision of services related to leisure activities and the performance is provided at an agreed time by an entrepreneur, i.e., the Event Holder in this case.


4.1. The condition for the provision of the Operator’s Service through the eeVRee Application to the User is the conclusion of a Service Provision Agreement between the Operator and the User of the eeVRee Application.

4.2. The Operator shall deliver to the User to the e-mail address specified by the Event Applicant an email with a login name and password, through which the User logs into the User Account that is created by the Operator for the User in connection with participation in a particular Event.

4.3. Delivery of the e-mail to the e-mail address specified by the Event Interested Party with the login name and password by the Operator to the Event Interested Party is a binding proposal of the Operator to conclude a Service Provision Contract for the User in accordance with the provisions of Section 43a of the Civil Code.

4.4. A Service Provision Agreement is concluded at the moment of logging in to the eeVRee Application by the User under the conditions set out in these Terms and Conditions or at the moment the User accepts these GTCs, whichever occurs first.

4.5. Accepting these Terms and Conditions by clicking on the check box for the eeVRee Application is a binding confirmation of the Operator’s proposal to conclude the Service Provision Agreement.

4.6. The subject of the Service Provision Agreement is, within the scope and under the conditions specified in these Terms and Conditions, the Operator’s obligation to provide the User with the Service of using the eeVRee Application, in which the Operator will create for the User the following options, in particular (i) finding social Events of individual Event Holders (ii) interactive participation of the Participant in an Event, in which the Participant participates (e.g. the Participant may ask questions or participate in competitions organised by the Event Holder at the Event, etc.) (iii) or other functionalities enabled for the User by the eeVRee Application or through which an Event Interested Party may purchase Event Tickets, if the eeVRee Application permits such a purchase of Event Tickets. The eeVRee Application also allows, among other things, the purchase or reservation of Tickets for such social Events and for the provision of related services, e.g., the purchase of vouchers and services related to an Event, while ensuring the possibility of purchasing Tickets for an Event is not a Service of the Operator under these GTCs and the User in this case acts as the Event Interested Party in the purchase of Event Tickets within the meaning of these GTCs.

4.7. The User agrees to the use of remote means of communication when concluding the Service Provision Agreement. The costs incurred by the User when using means of distance communication in connection with the conclusion of the Service Provision Agreement or its performance (in particular, the costs of Internet connection, costs of SMS, e-mails and/or telephone calls) shall be borne and paid by the User, with the costs of SMS and/or telephone calls do not differ from normal rates.

4.8. A Service Provision Agreement is concluded for a /indefinite period.

4.9. By concluding a Service Provision Agreement, the User expressly gives consent to the commencement of the provision of a Service immediately after the conclusion of the Service Provision Agreement, i.e., before the expiry of the period to withdraw from the Service Provision Agreement. The Operator hereby informs the User that by giving consent to the commencement of the provision of the Service before the expiry of the period to withdraw from the Service Provision Agreement under the first sentence, the User loses the right to withdraw from the Service Provision Agreement after the Service is rendered in full.

4.10. The Parties shall be obliged to provide each other with all cooperation necessary for the proper and timely performance of the obligations arising from the Service Provision Agreement (including these Terms and Conditions).


5.1. Access to the User Account in the eeVRee Application shall be granted by the Operator to the User no later than on the day of the Event for which the User has purchased a Ticket, under the terms and conditions set out in these GTCs. After a User logs in to a User Account, the eeVRee Application allows Users to use all the functions of the eeVRee Application.

5.2. Before the first login to the User Account, the User shall confirm by clicking on the check box that (i) (s)he has become acquainted with the terms and conditions for the processing of the User’s personal data specified in the Personal Data Processing and Protection Policy and granted consent to their processing,(ii) (s)he expressly grants consent to the commencement of the provision of the Service immediately after the conclusion of the Service Provision Agreement, i.e., before the expiry of the period to withdraw from the Service Agreement, and loses the right to withdraw from the Service Agreement after the full provision of the Service, (iii) (s)he has become acquainted with the current wording of the Terms and Conditions that are binding for him or her, and (iv) (s)he has become acquainted with the Complaints Procedure published by the Operator, if such have been adopted. It is not possible to log in to the User’s account for the first time and use the Operator’s Services provided through the eeVRee Application without confirming the facts according to the previous sentence.

5.3. The User acknowledges that the Operator will send all information related to the User in the User Account, as well as all information related to the Service Provision Agreement and the Terms and Conditions to the User’s e-mailaddress entered in the electronic registration form when logging into the User Account for the first time.

5.4. It is the User’s responsibility to ensure that the data filled in by the User or the Event Interested Party in the electronic registration form as well as the data in the User Account is correct, true, up-to-date, complete, and not misleading. The User may change, edit and update his/her login and personal data at any time after logging into his/her User Account.

5.5. The User may access his/her User Account at any time if (s)he has an Internet connection, which (s)he must arrange at his/her own expense.

5.6. The User shall be obliged to (i) protect his/her login data for logging into the User Account against unauthorised disclosure to a third party, theft, loss, or misuse, (ii) protect the security of information systems when logging in to and using the User Account, i.e. , to log in to the User Account only through secure servers and secure networks (not through public computers and public networks), choose more complicated login passwords and change them regularly, to not record login data and passwords on publicly available media and in a way that could lead to its disclosure, theft, disclosure, or misuse, (iii) notify the Operator without undue delay of any misuse, loss, disclosure or theft of login data for the User Account or unauthorised access to the User Account by a third party.

5.7. The User acknowledges that the Operator is not liable for and does not guarantee continuous (24/7) operation, functionality and availability of the User Account. The unavailability or non-functionality of the User Account may be caused mainly by mandatory maintenance conducted by the Operator, an outage on the part of the network providers, or by other objective circumstances beyond the scope of the Operator’s liability. In such a case, the Operator is not liable to the User for damage suffered due to unavailability or non-functionality of the User Account.

5.8. The User acknowledges that the Operator may cancel or block the User’s User Account in the event that the User has seriously or repeatedly violated the terms and conditions or rules of use of the User Account specified in the Service Provision Agreement or in these Terms and Conditions or an applicable legal rule, or where there is another serious reason for doing so.


6.1. The Operator shall be obliged to provide Users with a Service to the agreed extent and under the conditions specified in these Terms and Conditions.

6.2. In connection with the operation of the eeVRee Application, the Operator manages a database of Users, Event Holders, as well as other databases that are mainly used to create Orders. In this regard, the Operator shall in particular store, manage and archive all data and information, to which it has gained access during the use of the eeVRee Application and the Portal, for further use within the eeVRee Application or the Portal.

6.3. The Operator provides the Portal and the eeVRee Application “as is”, and all and any risks associated with the use of the Portal shall be borne solely by the User or the Event Interested Party. The Operator shall not be liable for any damages suffered by Users or Event Interested Persons or any third parties directly, indirectly or incidentally as a result of or in connection with the use of the Portal and/or the use of the Operator’s Service through the Portal or the eeVRee Application.

6.4. The Operator is entitled to monitor and store all information on the use of the Portal and/or the eeVRee Application, on the basis of which it will be possible to unambiguously identify the User Account or the entity, through which the User Order was created.

6.5. The Operator reserves the right to remove any part of the Portal and/or the eeVRee Application at any time, even without the consent of the User, in particular any User Account that is contrary to the law of the Slovak Republic, good manners or otherwise constitutes a danger to public order, or its content does not correspond to the principles or legitimate interests of the Operator. This includes, in particular, such content that is misleading or untrue, bears characteristics of a spam, or has no connection with the focus of an Event or the Portal or the eeVRee Application, or that shows signs of discrimination against any person or group of persons or other generally condemnable conduct or attitudes.


7.1. In addition to the rights and obligations under the Service Provision Agreement, these Terms and Conditions or applicable rules, the User has, in particular, the right to use all the features and functions of the eeVRee Application, primarily to use any option offered by the Operator through the eeVRee Application, primarily under the conditions and in the manner permitted by the Service Provision Agreement and these Terms and Conditions.

7.2. The User is not entitled to use the Operator’s Services for any purposes that would conflict with the Service Provision Agreement, these Terms and Conditions, or any applicable legal rules.

7.3. In particular, the User shall not be entitled to interfere in any way with the content or technical parameters of the eeVRee Application, interfere with the security of the eeVRee Application, and prevent other Users from fully using the eeVRee Application.

7.4. The User shall be liable for any damage or injury caused by an unauthorised use of the Portal and/or the eeVRee Application and/or interference with the Portal and/or the eeVRee Application and its components (including the source code).

7.5. The Portal and the eeVRee Application are a copyright work of the Operator and are protected primarily by the Copyright Act and other applicable legal rules. The User acknowledges that all rights and titles to the Portal and/or the eeVRee Application, in particular, copyright to the content, page layout, photos, videos, graphics, trademarks, logos, and other content and elements belong to the Operator. It is forbidden to copy, modify or otherwise use and interfere with the Site or a part thereof without the consent of the Operator. At the same time, the User may not obtain or attempt to obtain in any way any materials or information related to the Site and/or the eeVRee Application and/or the Operator’s Services that are not (have not been) made publicly available or provided through the Site and/or the eeVRee Application. User is granted a non-transferable, non-exclusive license to use the Services and the eeVRee Application, subject to any restrictions imposed by these Terms and applicable law. Operator retains all rights to the Services and the eeVRee Application not expressly granted to User, which User agrees to.


8.1. The price of a Service consists of the Operator’s fee for the provision of the Service to the User, and the Operator provides the User with the Service under these GTCs free of charge, unless the User and the Operator expressly agree otherwise for a particular Event.


9.1. The Operator Shall be liable to the User for ensuring that a Service rendered by the Operator complies with the requirements for the quality of the Service offered that corresponds to the nature of the Service rendered.

9.2. The Operator shall be liable for any defects that a Service has at the time of its provision to the User, unless otherwise expressly stated in the Service Provision Agreement or these Terms and Conditions. The Operator shall be liable for any defects in a Service that occur after the time specified in the first sentence if such defects have been caused by a breach of its obligations under the Service Provision Agreement or under legal rules of general application.


10.1. In addition to the reasons set out in the relevant provisions of these Terms and Conditions or the applicable legal rules (e.g., Section 517 of the Civil Code, Section 575 of the Civil Code, Section 18 (4) of the Consumer Protection Act, etc.), the User who has concluded a Service Provision Agreement outside their business activity as a consumer has the right to withdraw from the Service Provision Agreement under this Article of the Terms and Conditions, too.

10.2. If a Service Provision Agreement is concluded remotely (via the Site) or outside the Operator’s premises, and, at the same time, if the Operator has provided the User in a timely and proper manner with information on the right to withdraw from the Service Provision Agreement, the terms and conditions, the time limit and the procedure for exercising the right to withdraw from the Service Provision Agreement, including the withdrawal form for the Service Provision Agreement (in accordance with Section 3 (1) (h) of the Remote Commerce Act) and provided that the legally required conditions are met, then the User shall have the right to withdraw from the Service Provision Agreement without giving a reason under the Remote Commerce Act.

10.3. The period for withdrawal from a Service Provision Agreement is 14 days from the date of conclusion of the Service Provision Agreement. According to the provisions of Section 7 (6) (a) of the Remote Commerce Act, the User may not withdraw from a contract, the subject of which is the provision of a service, if its provision has begun with the express consent of the User and the User has stated that (s)he has been duly informed that by expressing such consent (s)he loses the right to withdraw from the contract after the full provision of the service and if the service has been fully provided.

10.4. In order to comply with the deadline for withdrawal from the Service Provision Agreement, the User must send a clear statement expressing his or her desire to withdraw from the Service Provision Agreement, no later than on the last day of the period according to clause 3 of this Article of the Terms and Conditions.

10.5. In the withdrawal notice in respect to a Service Provision Agreement, the User shall state:
10.5.1. identification data of the User (in particular, name, surname, address of permanent residence);
10.5.2. the reasons for         withdrawal from the Service Provision Agreement and a reference to the relevant provision of the Terms and Conditions or a legal rule establishing the User’s right to withdraw from the Service Provision Agreement; this shall not be applied if the User withdraws within the period pursuant to Section 7 et seq. of the Remote Commerce Act without giving a reason.

The User may at any time send the Operator a request for deletion of his User Account, which shall be equivalent to withdrawal from further provision of the Services by the Operator. The Operator shall delete the User Account without delay, and no later than 14 days after receipt of the User’s request. The User may send a request for deletion of the User Account by e-mail from the e-mail address associated with the User Account to the e-mail address of the Operator specified in these Terms of Service. A request to delete a User Account may be made through the eeVRee Application by selecting the appropriate option in the Application’s settings menu, if such option is provided by the eeVRee Application. After confirming the request to delete the eeVRee Application, the User will be redirected to the main page of the Application. Deleting the eeVRee Application from the User’s device will not delete the User’s account.

10.6. To withdraw from a Service Provision Agreement, the User may use the withdrawal form concerning the Service Provision Agreement, available on the Site. A notice of withdrawal from a Service Provision Agreement shall be sent by the User to the e-mail address or postal address of the Operator specified in these Terms and Conditions. The Operator shall confirm for the User the acceptance of a notice of withdrawal from a Service Provision Agreement immediately after its receipt by the Operator.

10.7. Where the User withdraws from a Service Provision Agreement, the Operator shall refund the User the Operator’s fee for the provision of the Service immediately, no later than seven (7) days from the receipt of the withdrawal notice, to the bank account (or payment card) used to pay the Price of the Service (depending on the relevant bank of the User) or using the method requested by the User in the withdrawal notice. The Operator draws the User’s attention to the fact that if the User withdraws from the Service Provision Agreement and has given express consent before the commencement of the Service provision to the Operator to start providing the Service immediately after the conclusion of the Service Provision Agreement, then the User shall be obliged to pay the Operator the price for the actually provided performance by the date of receipt of the notice of withdrawal from the Service Provision Agreement by the Operator. For the avoidance of any doubt, the use of a Service on the basis of confirmation of the User’s Order by the Operator shall be deemed to be a performance provided under the Service Provision Agreement and these Terms and Conditions.

10.8. The Operator has the right to withdraw from a Service Provision Agreement and to cancel/block the User’s access to the eeVRee Application, in the following cases, in particular:
10.8.1. in the case that the User has materially or repeatedly violated the terms and conditions or rules of use of the eeVRee Application or the Portal application set out in the Service Provision Agreement or in these Terms or the applicable legal rules, or if there is another compelling reason for doing so;
10.8.2. in the case that the User violates the copyright of the Operator and/or an Event Holder and/or causes harm to the reputation of the Operator or an Event Holder;
10.8.3. in the case that the User allows unauthorised access to the User’s User Account by a third party;
10.8.4. as specified in the Civil Code (e.g., Section 575 – impossibility of performance, § 517 “ default of the debtor, etc.) or any applicable legal rules.

10.9. A notice of withdrawal from the Service Provision Agreement shall be sent by the Operator to the User in the form of an e-mail message to the User’s e-mail address specified in the Order or when logging into the User Account for the first time.

10.10. In the withdrawal notice in respect to a Service Provision Agreement, the Operator shall state:
10.10.1. identification data of the Operator;
10.10.2. the reasons for withdrawal from the Service Provision Agreement and a reference to the relevant provision of the Terms and Conditions or a legal rule establishing the Operator’s right to withdraw from the Service Provision Agreement.

10.11. The Operator is also entitled to withdraw from the Service Provision Agreement due to the fact that an Event Holder selected by the User cancelled the User’s Order due to unavailability of an Event at a requested time or place, for any other reason, or without giving a reason. The Operator shall immediately inform the User thereof via the e-mail address specified in the Order or when logging into the User Account for the first time.

10.12. If the Operator withdraws from the Service Provision Agreement, then it shall refund to the User without delay, but no later than seven (7) days from the receipt of the notice of withdrawal from the Service Provision Agreement, all funds received from the User under the Service Provision Agreement, to the bank account (or payment card) used by the User to pay the Price of the Service (depending on the relevant bank of the User) or using the method requested by the User; this is without prejudice to the provisions of the second and third sentences in clause 7of this Article of the Terms and Conditions.

10.13. In the event that any circumstances preceding the conclusion of the Service Provision Agreement change, after the conclusion of the Service Provision Agreement, to such an extent that the performance becomes more difficult for the Operator, especially in the event of increased Operator’s costs of the performance, the Operator has the right to demand from the User the resumption of negotiations on the Service Provision Agreement, unless (i) the Operator could not reasonably foresee or rule out such a change and (ii) the change occurred only after the conclusion of the Service Provision Agreement or became known to the Operator only after the conclusion of the Service Provision Agreement. In such a case, the Operator is entitled to postpone the performance for a reasonable period of time. If the Parties fail to agree within a reasonable time on an amendment to a Service Provision Agreement that restores the balance of the rights and obligations of the Parties, either Party shall have the right to withdraw from the Service Provision Agreement.


11.1. The Operator processes the User’s personal data as a data subject in accordance with Act No. 18/2018 Z. z. on the Protection of Personal Data and on Amendments and Supplements to Certain Acts, as amended, and pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation).

11.2. More detailed information on the protection of the User’s personal data is provided in the Personal Data Processing and Protection Rules posted on the Operator’s website.


12.1. The Operator informs the User that pursuant to Section 62 (3) of the Act No. 351/2011 Z. z. on Electronic Communications, as amended, it may reach out to the User with calls, e-mails and SMS messages using the contact addresses provided during registration for the purposes of direct marketing of its own similar goods and services. A call, an e-mail or an SMS message referred to in the previous sentence may be of an informational or advertising nature and originated by the Operator. The Operator shall process personal data for the duration of the contractual relationship. The User may at any time notify the Operator of any disagreement with calling, sending of these e-mails or SMS messages using the contact form (or other contact details if specified in the Service Provision Agreement or these Terms and Conditions) or by simply unsubscribing each time an e-mail message is delivered by clicking the link at the end of the e-mail message. 


13.1. The Parties agree to make every effort to prevent damage or loss and to minimise any damage or loss that has occurred.

13.2. The Parties shall be liable for damage done to the other Party due to a breach and/or failure to comply with the Service Provision Agreement and/or these Terms and Conditions, or by failure to act under the Service Provision Agreement and/or these Terms and Conditions. The liability of the Parties for damage and compensation for damage shall be governed by the relevant provisions of the Civil Code, unless otherwise specified below.


14.1. The Parties hereby agree to make every effort to settle all an any disputes arising from the Service Provision Agreement and/or these Terms and Conditions and/or in connection with them in an amicable manner.

14.2. If a User who has the status of a consumer is not satisfied with the manner the Operator has handled their complaint, or if the User believes that their rights have been violated, then the User shall have the opportunity to contact the Operator with a request for rectification by e-mail: or in writing to the address of the Operator’s registered office. In the event that the Operator responds to the request for rectification with a refusal or in the event that it does not respond to such a request within thirty (30) days of the date it is sent by the User, the User who is a consumer has the right to seek protection of their consumer rights by means of alternative dispute resolution by a body in accordance with the ADR Act. During the alternative dispute resolution, the User – consumer cooperates with the alternative dispute resolution body in order to quickly resolve the dispute.

14.3. A proposal to initiate an alternative dispute resolution may be filed in the manner determined pursuant to Section 12 of the ADR Act. The User may also use a form to submit such a proposal, a model of which is also available on the websites of the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic and of each alternative dispute resolution body. This is without prejudice to the option to take the same matter to court.

14.4. The body for alternative dispute resolution is the Slovak Trade Inspection, or another relevant authorized legal entity registered in the list of alternative dispute resolution bodies maintained by the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic (”spotrebitela/alternativne”riesenie”spotrebitelskych”sporov”1/zoznam”subjektov”alternativneho”riesenia”spotrebitelskych”sporov”1).

14.5. The User, who is a consumer, shall have the right to choose an alternative dispute resolution body to contact. In the event of a cross-border dispute, the User as a consumer has the right to contact the European Consumer Centre, which will provide them with an address for service, an electronic address or a telephone contact of an alternative dispute resolution body competent to resolve their dispute.

14.6. The address for filing submissions in electronic form with the Slovak Trade Inspectorate of is the Inspectorate of the Slovak Trade Inspection for the Bratislava Region, Bajkalská 21/A, P. O. BOX No. 5, 820 07 Bratislava, Department of Supervision, e-mail:, and for alternative dispute resolution of consumer disputes:  Slovak Trade Inspection, Bajkalská 21/A, 827 99 Bratislava 27, e-mail:, website address:

14.7. The European Consumer Centre Slovak Republic, with its registered office at Mlynské Nivy 44/A 827 15, Bratislava 212 Slovak Republic Tel.: +421 905 528 477, e-mail: ECCNET” is the contact point under Regulation (EU) No 524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 May 2013 on online dispute resolution for consumer disputes and amending Regulation (EC) No 2006/2004 and Directive 2009/22/EC (Regulation on consumer online dispute resolution). An online platform set up by the European Commission at can also be used to lodge a complaint about the services provided by the Operator and to search for an alternative dispute resolution body.


15.1. The law of the Slovak Republic shall apply to these Terms and Conditions. The courts of the Slovak Republic shall have authority over any disputes arising under or in connection with these Terms and Conditions, and Users who are consumers may also sue the Operator in the courts of the Member State of the European Union, in which the consumer resides.

15.2. If any provision(s) of these Terms and Conditions becomes ineffective or invalid, this shall not affect the force and effect of the other provisions of these Terms and Conditions, unless the provisions in question are inseparable from each other. In such a case, the User and the Operator agree to replace the ineffective provision with an effective provision and the invalid provision with a valid provision, so that it best corresponds to the previously intended content and purpose of the ineffective and/or invalid provision. Until replaced under the preceding sentence of these Terms and Conditions, the applicable legal rule of generally binding legal rules shall apply.

15.3. The Terms and Conditions apply to the contractual relationship between the User and the Operator in the wording specified on the Operator’s Portal as well as in the eeVRee Application on the day of placing the Order or on the day of the first login to the User Account, or on the day of placing an Order, unless otherwise agreed in writing between the Parties. The Operator shall send a valid and effective version of the Terms and Conditions in the .pdf electronic format, which the User had the opportunity to read on the Operator’s Portal and which the User accepted when first logging into the User Account or when placing the Order.

15.4. The Operator reserves the right to amend these Terms and Conditions. The obligation to notify of any changes to these Terms and Conditions in writing is fulfilled by placing such a notification on the Operator’s Portal, and the amended Terms and Conditions shall not apply to any legal relationships created before the publication of the amended version of the Terms and Conditions on the Operator’s Portal or in the eeVRee Application.

15.5. The Operator has the right to change, upgrade and otherwise modify the Services provided through the Site without prior notice to the Users or Event Interested Parties, and without their consent.

15.6. The Operator is not bound by any codes of conduct in relation to the User or an Event Interested Party within the meaning of Section 3 (1) (n) of the Act on Consumer Protection in the Sale of Goods or Provision of Services under a Distance Contract.

15.7. In the event that a Service Provision Agreement is concluded in writing, any amendment thereto must be made in writing.

15.8. The Parties agree that communication between them shall be conducted by electronic mail. The User shall deliver correspondence to the Operator to the e-mail address specified in these Terms and Conditions. The Operator shall deliver correspondence to the User to the e-mail address specified in the Order.

15.9. Any relationships not governed by these Terms and Conditions are subject to the relevant provisions of the Civil Code, the Commercial Code, the Consumer Protection Act, the Act on Consumer Protection in the Sale of Goods or Provision of Services under a Distance Contract, the Electronic Commerce Act, and other applicable legal rules. If the Party is not a consumer, and a Service is to be provided for business purposes, the contractual relationships not expressly governed by these Terms and Conditions shall be regulated by the provisions of the Commercial Code.

15. 10. These General Terms and Conditions shall enter into force on eeVRee application.



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